Thursday, December 17, 2009

Awards night at gym

Tonight was awards night at gym. Isaac and Jake both got one and they are so proud to show it off.
Isaac and Jake proud of their medals.All of the kids can't wait to get their stamp at the end of class...on both hands and both feet.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Santa Cow

Getting near Santa Cow was definitely easier than Santa Clause :)

Monday, December 14, 2009


We did it. Jake talked to Santa!! I'm so happy that he finally asked Santa for his "truck that McQueen comes out of". He didn't want to sit in his lap but he didn't have to. I was just proud that he spoke to him.

Jake and Daddy having fun waiting in line...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

BIG WHEELS at EdVenture

Today we went to EdVenture to see the BIG trucks. I mentioned going to Jake Friday and by Saturday morning I hoped he had forgotten. 1st thing out of his mouth when he woke up..."When are we going to see the big trucks?" Luckily Jamie was able to go with us. We all had a great time together!

We hope this is the ONLY time this happens...

They had bikes to ride...

After looking at the BIG trucks we went inside for some more fun!
Jake vs. Jamie. Is there that much difference in the speeds?? They were both into!Jamie and the heart!Jake was so glad it wasn't his turn in the chair.Bought his own birthday cake for the party.


We spent part of the day on Saturday with our friend Parker. He had his 6th birthday party at the museum. It was a lot of fun getting to see all of the neat - TOUCHABLE, not glued to the table - stuff in the party room and had a great time doing experiments.
Jake, Parker and James...what a trio

Thursday, November 5, 2009

...and he said...

Daddy: Bouncy balls

What did he just say?

Jake (with no clothes on): Mama look I have bubbles.

Mama: Those aren't bubbles.

Jake: What are they?

Mama: Go ask your Daddy.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween at Gateway

We attended the Gateway Halloween Bash this year with Parker and Isaac and had a great time. Too bad we can't take all of the rides home for Jake's party!
We did a lot more and got to Trunk or Treat but I got slack with the camera.
The swings were Jake's favorite.But sliding lasted a lot longer...over and over and over...

Halloween at LexiCode

This year LexiCode had a Halloween party and everybody had a great time. There are so many kids now. We had a great time and can't wait for the party next year.

Each year we see Sophie but this year Jake and Sophie are all grown up.
Jake and Sophie 2006Jake the Clemson football player. 2nd year being a Clemson football player.Sophie with her mom and new baby sister.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Boo at the Zoo

It's time for Boo at the Zoo again!! This year we took Diego and Isaac (going to be Brobie this year).Trick-or-Treat station.There were some animals out.